Pelastustieto-julkaisujen lähteet

Debriefing – tiedämmekö tarpeeksi? (Pelastustieto 1/2024)

1. Korpela, S. and Nordquist, H. (2024), Impacts of Post Critical Incident Seminar on emergency service personnel: The critical incident–related experiences and psychological state. Scand J Psychol.

2. Halpern, J., Gurevich, M., Schwartz, B. and Brazeau, P. (2009), Interventions for critical incident stress in emergency medical services: a qualitative study. Stress and Health, 25: 139-149.

3. Evans TR, Burns C, Essex R, Finnerty G, Hatton E, Clements AJ, Breau G, Quinn F, Elliott H, Smith LD, Matthews B, Jennings K, Crossman J, Williams G, Miller D, Harold B, Gurnett P, Jagodzinski L, Smith J, Milligan W, Markowski M, Collins P, Yoshimatsu Y, Margalef Turull J, Colpus M, Dayson ML, Weldon S. A systematic scoping review on the evidence behind debriefing practices for the wellbeing/emotional outcomes of healthcare workers. Front Psychiatry. 2023 Mar 24;14:1078797. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1078797. PMID: 37032950; PMCID: PMC10080145.

4. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: Helpful, Harmful, or Neither? 2019. Journal of Emergency Nursing. Letter to the Editor.

5. Scott, Z., O'Curry, S., & Mastroyannopoulou, K. (2022). The impact and experience of debriefing for clinical staff following traumatic events in clinical settings: A systematic review. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35, 278–287.

6. Billings, J., Zhan Yuen Wong, N., Nicholls, H., Burton, P., Zosmer, M., Albert, I., Grey, N., El-Leithy, S., Murphy, D., Tehrani, N., Wheatley, J., Bloomfield, M. A. P., & Greene, T. (2023). Post-incident psychosocial interventions after a traumatic incident in the workplace: a systematic review of current research evidence and clinical guidance. European journal of psychotraumatology, 14(2), 2281751.

7. Rose et al. 2002. Psychological debriefing for preventing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.  

8. Richins MT, Gauntlett L, Tehrani N, Hesketh I, Weston D, Carter H, Amlôt R. Early Post-trauma Interventions in Organizations: A Scoping Review. Front Psychol. 2020 Jun 25;11:1176. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01176. PMID: 32670143; PMCID: PMC7330139.

9. Duodecim Käypä-hoito. 2020. Traumaperäisen stressihäiriön ehkäisy.